The seating arrangement at the wedding is a delicate issue. But here too, the more advance notice and planning time you take, the more relaxed and smooth the process will be. We’ll give you some tips that will make the seating arrangement almost take care of itself.
The question of who will come to the wedding is finally settled. But the table shape and/or the position of the tables at the venue is not yet determined? This is where the 8-place method comes in handy. Here, a Din A4 sheet represents a round table of 8, on which you group matching groups of people together using Post-it. They can also use these groups later on if the table arrangement looks quite different than expected.
Generally speaking, round tables are more communicative than square tables. For this, square tables are more versatile and allow a larger number of people in the room. Anyway, the mood at a table should be good and exuberant. That’s why experiments can quickly backfire. Better: place your guests by family affiliation or circle of friends.
Classic rules apply to the bride and groom’s table: It is always placed as centrally as possible, so that it can be easily reached and seen by all guests. The bride sits to the right of the groom. To the right and left of the couple follow the respective parents and grandparents, ladies and gentlemen always alternately, mirrored order. In close proximity sit groomsmen, siblings and best friends. This conventional order on the “honor board” is now rare. Instead, the groomsmen and best friends themselves sit at the bride and groom’s table. The families are positioned very close to each other.
For the youngest guests should be a separate table ready, where in the best case also a little entertainment is offered. For those who want to shine extra bright, organize an adult to keep an eye on the kids and playtime activities at the ready. Older wedding guests should be seated so that the jukeboxes are not right next to them, they can easily leave their seats, and the light provides enough visibility even for poor eyes.
In addition to the classic 1:1 split, there is the option for more flexibility. For example, you can only define the table assignment of your guests, who exactly sits where, everyone may decide for themselves. In any case, a nicely designed table overview at the entrance makes sense. Here, each table gets its own name and guests can easily find their way around.
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