Men, technology & migraines
Analog and digital on the topic: man, woman, household, job and digital!
Short, concise dialogues, taunts between man and woman, whereby both parts alternately gain the upper hand, apparently! A MUST for lovers of “quintessentially black British humour”. Often definite, ambiguous, or ambiguous definite. Let yourself be surprised!
“Men, Technology & Migraine” shows in a comedic and cabaret way what is already technically possible today. Starting with the digitized diaper, which shows on the smartphone how full the diaper is, on to Sofia, which was the first robot to receive citizenship in Saudi Arabia, to smart home technologies, networks and systems. In the end, however, the human being with his love and emotion must not be forgotten.
Together, the two characters form the perfect show pair for today’s and tomorrow’s changes that need to be overcome – whether in a professional, family or private context. “Men, Technology & Migraine” takes on topics such as “man-woman”, “young-old”, “analog-digital” and “yesterday-today” in an entertaining, cabaret, humorous but also serious way. No one is safe from a verbal attack from the two artists, regardless of whether they are housewives, househusbands, managers or politicians.
Admission 6:00 p.m
Starts at 7:00 p.m
End around 11 p.m
Entrance fee: €69 incl. 3-course menu and a welcome aperitif
Booking at:
Tel: 05324 7744629
Alternative booking via: